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Hi there, I'm Grace

I am a writer, game designer, and video editor who specializes in crafting stories. I believe that by exciting audiences with targeted, captivating tales we can turn casual interaction into lifelong engagement. I bring focus to creative visions, keeping the narrative flowing without sacrificing content. Ideas are fantastic, but without a concrete scope they can spiral into undeliverable nonsense. That’s where I come in. My goal is to make sure what we want and what we deliver are within the realm of possibility.


By setting clear expectations, I keep teams on track and stop time from being wasted on unnecessary tangents. It’s incredibly easy for the creative process to become additive. What if we include this feature? Or this scene? Oh but this shot looks so cool! And soon you end up with a bloated collection of fragmented concepts. It’s critical to take a step back and look at what can and can’t be cut from a project to keep it practical. Across all creative works, trimming the fat makes the final product not only clearer for audiences, but more realistic for the team to produce on time and on (or under) budget. With a pragmatic approach to the creative process, I take teams from brainstorms to deliverables with focus and efficiency.

I am looking for a new chapter in my story. A new challenge to face. I want to create things that make people happy. I want to tell stories that inspire generations. In video, video games, or even the simple written word, I have the focus and drive to go from ideation to realization, and to help usher my team forward. I get things done. I want to spend the rest of my life telling stories, and I can get those stories in front of people without getting stuck with my head in the clouds.

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